Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL
Septic Pumping , Installation & Service in Brandon FL

Septic Maintenance Schedules for Commercial Tanks

Should You Use Septic Tank Treatments & Do They Work?

Not every solution or cleaning product will be healthy for your waste disposal system. Don’t get ahead of yourself and start using any chemicals without knowing whether they work. Listed below are different types of treatments you should and should not pour into the tank, along with Brandon Septic’s recommendation for properly maintaining your system.

Types of Treatments

There are three types of materials you can use to treat your tank: inorganic compounds, organic solvents, and biological additives.

Inorganic Compounds

These chemicals contain acids and alkalis in their solutions that work to unclog pipes and drains. We don’t recommend using these products because they will harm the healthy bacteria that are growing in the tank. Avoid this treatment altogether if you want to preserve the effectiveness of your waste disposal system.

Organic Solvents

Organic solvents are meant to break down the fat and oil within the tank, but—you guessed it—we also don’t recommend using these products. This treatment can affect the groundwater near the tank and negatively impact the tank’s health by killing the bacteria.

Biological Additives

This treatment includes enzymes, yeast, and natural bacteria. Instead of killing off the healthy bacteria in the tank, this method can improve the environment inside while breaking down solids. You can add this treatment to your septic system without harming the natural ecosystem inside.

Should You Use Treatments?

So, do septic tank treatments work? In short, you shouldn’t add inorganic compounds or organic solvents you can buy from the store to your waste disposal system. Using these materials could cause such substantial damage that you’d need septic pumping services to clear your tank so you can begin building healthy bacteria again. Pouring natural, biological additives—such as yeast—down the pipes is your safest bet when cleaning your septic tank. However, before you start any treatment, it’s best to understand the natural process your system uses to break down solids and dispose of waste.

If you thought you had a mess of poo before, you could have an even bigger one after using the wrong treatments. Call Brandon Septic if you have any questions or concerns regarding the health and safety of your septic system.
